Cultive company

CULTIVE is a player in food autonomy and short supply chains.

Aware of the ecological, social, and economic challenges of our time, we have chosen to invest our time, energy, and financial resources in the commercialization and distribution of innovative solutions: the Tower Garden® and the Tower Farm.

Tower Garden® for Individuals

Tower Gardens for Commercial use

In the face of the climate emergency and skyrocketing prices, we created Cultive to promote food autonomy, short supply chains, and the development of ecological awareness and environmental respect. We foster sustainable agriculture and encourage the reduction of resources used in production and food waste.

We advocate for a vision where every individual and community should have access to healthy, locally sourced, and environmentally sustainable food.

Thibaud V. (founder of Cultive)

A cost-effective, future-oriented solution for all!

We have created our own Tower Farm in the Southwest of France, operating 100% on renewable energy. We utilize and distribute Tower Garden® technology to establish a virtuous and decentralized system of food production and distribution.

With our expertise and network, we support our clients in the design, planning, and implementation of aeroponic projects using Tower Garden® technology.

We are determined to contribute to a future where every individual has access to healthy and environmentally sustainable food.

We call upon all those who share our values to join us and actively participate in building a fairer and more sustainable food system.

Thibaud V.
Founder of Cultive

To venture into vertical farming

A desire to elevate
your culture

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